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Terms of Use

This website is owned and operated by DNZ CLIMATETECH PTE. LTD. (Company Registration No. 202243068C) a member of DNZ ASIAWIDE PTE. LTD. (Company Registration No. 202123412K) (“DNZ”, and “we”, “us” or “it”). Your access or use of this website is subject to the following terms and conditions of use (“Terms of Use”). Use of this website includes accessing, browsing, caching or transmission of information.


Please read all the terms and conditions contained hereunder carefully. By accessing this website and any of the pages thereof, you are deemed to have read and agreed to the Terms of Use. If you do not agree to the Terms of Use you must not use this website or any pages thereof and must discontinue your access immediately.


1. General Conditions for the Use of this Website


1.1 You must comply with all notices, guidelines and operating rules and policies pertaining to the use and access of this website which we may issue from time to time. These notices, guidelines and operating rules and policies will generally be notified to you via email, push notification(s) and/or publication on this website or such other method of notification as may be designated by us, which you acknowledge shall be sufficient notice for the purpose of this clause.


1.2 You must also:


1.2.1 abide by all applicable laws and regulations in your use and access of this website;


1.2.2 not impersonate any person or entity or to falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity;


1.2.3 not send, distribute or upload, in any way, data or materials that contain viruses, malicious code or harmful components that may impair or damage the operation of another’s computer or device; and


1.2.4 not post, promote or transmit through this website any content that infringes any third-party intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, or that is defamatory, libellous, threatening, obscene, pornographic, indecent, fraudulent, harmful or otherwise illegal, or may be construed as offensive or objectionable, and/or any junk mail, spam, or any unsolicited mass distribution of email.


1.3 You acknowledge that the information and materials in this website are subject to change (including without limitation, modification, deletion or replacement thereof) without notice.


1.4 This term on “General Conditions for the Use of this Website” shall survive the termination of these Terms of Use.


2. Reservation of Right


2.1 DNZ may from time to time without giving any reason or prior notice, upgrade, maintain, modify, alter, suspend, discontinue the provision of or remove (including downtime for the maintenance of this website), whether in whole or in part, this website and shall not be liable if any such upgrade, modification, suspension, alteration, discontinuance or removal prevents you from accessing this website or any part or feature thereof.


2.2 DNZ reserves the right, but shall not be obliged to:


2.2.1 monitor, screen or otherwise control any activity or content;


2.2.2 investigate any violation of these Terms of Use and take any action we deem appropriate;


2.2.3 prevent or restrict access of any user of to this website; and/or


2.2.4 report any activity we suspect to be in violation of any applicable law, statute or regulation to the appropriate authorities and to co-operate with such authorities.


2.3 DNZ reserves the right to suspend, terminate or disable your access and/or use of this website at any time.


3. Security


3.1 To ensure the security of your personal data, all electronic storage, hosting, processing, transmission, and backup (for disaster recovery or other purposes) of personal and other information are fortified with suitable administrative, physical, and technical security measures. You acknowledge and provide consent for us to employ cloud services within or outside Singapore (potentially managed by a third-party service provider). While we strive to uphold the confidentiality and security of your personal data through reasonable measures, we cannot assure complete security for any information transmitted or electronically stored.


4. Retention


4.1 We shall keep your personal data for as long as it is essential to achieve the objective(s) for which it was gathered, or as necessary for legal reasons. Any personal data that is no longer required will be deleted or rendered anonymous.


5. International Transfer


5.1 The personal data we gather might be stored, processed, and moved across any of the countries we operate in. This facilitates our use of the information in line with this Statement. We will take appropriate measures to ensure that the transferred personal data is given a level of safeguarding akin to what's mandated by the pertinent data protection laws of the jurisdiction from where the personal data is moved.


6. Website


6.1 Our website uses cookies. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies which will provide you with a more personalised experience.


6.2 For your convenience, our website may include links to third-party websites and/or applications or allow third-party websites and/or applications to link to it. However, such linked websites and/or applications are not managed by us, and we disclaim responsibility for their content or accessing them. We don't bear liability for the accuracy or entirety of the content on these third-party websites and/or applications. Your interaction with these third-party websites and/or applications is your sole responsibility, along with the associated terms and conditions. Moreover, we are not responsible for any data transmission from third-party websites and/or applications. The inclusion of a link does not indicate our endorsement, approval, or authentication of the content on third-party websites and/or applications or any association with their proprietors or operators.


6.3 If you wish to avoid your data being collected through the aforementioned technologies, consider deactivating them on your devices whenever feasible. You can modify your device settings to prevent the usage of cookies, web beacons, and/or other web analytics. Nonetheless, choosing to disable these technologies on our website implies acknowledging that certain features and functions may become inaccessible.


7. Review and Correction


7.1 If you desire to submit a request to (a) access the personal data that we have on record concerning you, or obtain information about how we employ or disclose your personal data, or (b) rectify or refresh said personal data, kindly forward your request to our Data Protection Officer ("DPO") using the email address provided in Section 11 below.


7.2 It's important to be aware that there may be a reasonable charge for processing access requests. Should this be the case, we will inform you of the applicable fee prior to proceeding with your request.


8. Withdrawal


8.1 Subject to relevant laws, regulations, and professional standards, you are entitled to provide us with reasonable written notice of your decision to withdraw consent for the collection, usage, or disclosure of your personal data. It's important to be aware that if you decide to withdraw consent for any or all aspects of personal data disclosure, we may be unable to continue offering our services. Additionally, this withdrawal could lead to the termination of any existing agreements you may have with us.


9. Data Intermediary


9.1 We function as a Data Intermediary when we handle personal data on behalf of another organisation for specific purposes (this organisation is referred to as the "Data Controller"). Subject to the terms of engagement between the parties, this Section 9 applies to our role as a Data Intermediary for a Data Controller.


9.2 If we process personal data as a Data Intermediary, we will only process the personal data to the extent necessary for the purposes outlined in the relevant agreement and in accordance with the written instructions provided by the Data Controller. We will not process the personal data for any other purposes.


9.3 Additionally, we will:


9.3.1 Comply with the relevant obligations under applicable laws while performing our services, and implement suitable administrative and technical security measures to safeguard personal data, as stipulated in this Statement.


9.3.2 Promptly inform the Data Controller in writing if we become aware of any accidental or unauthorized disclosure, alteration, destruction, or loss of personal data ("Incident"), unless prohibited by law.


9.3.3 Take reasonable and timely actions to address an Incident, including investigating the Incident, minimizing its impact and scope, and taking necessary recovery or corrective measures to remedy the Incident.


9.3. 4 Retain personal data only for the duration necessary for the intended purpose for which it was collected or as mandated by law.


9.4 To fulfill our role as a Data Intermediary, we may share personal data with our subsidiaries, affiliates, and subcontractors who require access to such data to fulfill our commitments under the engagement. In doing so, we will ensure that these entities maintain the security and confidentiality of the personal data, as per the provisions in this Statement.


9.5 Throughout, the Data Controller remains responsible for the personal data of individual data subjects. In this regard, the Data Controller will:


9.5.1 Lawfully acquire personal data of relevant individual data subjects, including officers, employees, and contractors, and possess the necessary legal basis, including authorizations, consents, or permissions, to provide such personal data to us. The data must be accurate and securely conveyed to us.


9.5.2 Furnish us with specific written instructions concerning the processing of personal data. In emergencies, oral instructions from the Data Controller's authorized representatives will be accepted, subject to prompt written confirmation.


9.5.3 Promptly inform us in writing of any changes, errors, or omissions related to the lawful processing and usage of personal data.


9.5.4 Be responsible for handling access or correction requests from individual data subjects regarding their personal data and inform us as soon as feasible about any such requests.


9.6 This Section 9 clarifies our responsibilities as a Data Intermediary and the continued accountability of the Data Controller towards individual data subjects' personal data.


10. Changes to Statement


10.1 We reserve the right to make changes to this Statement periodically. The revised versions will be published on our website and timestamped, ensuring your awareness of the latest update date. We recommend all users to occasionally revisit our website to stay informed about the most recent details regarding our privacy practices. Your ongoing use of our services and website subsequent to the publication of amendments to this Statement shall signify your acceptance of these modifications.


11. Inquiries


11.1 For inquiries or personal data requests, contact our Data Protection Officer at


12. Governing Law


12.1 These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore and you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.


2023 © DNZ ClimateTech Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.

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